그때 그시절

외국 기자가 찍은 우리들 113년전 모습( 1899-1900 )

해피y 2017. 5. 16. 22:17

외국 기자가 찍은 우리들 113년전 모습( 1899-1900 )


- The Wedding party (2), SEOUL Photo by UNKNOWN photographer, ca.

- Pottery Packing Mountain Men, Near SEOUL


Transportation, SEOUL. Photo by UNKNOWN photographer, ca.1899-1900.
They are standing on a railroad or trolly track.

- Limousine Service in the Snow for a High Class Little Girl, SEOUL

- Happy Kids With Grandma and the Water Boy, SEOUL. Photo by UNKNOWN photographer, ca.1899-1900

- Chowing Down at an Old "Greasy Spoon" Where the Food Tastes Great.

SEOUL Photo by UNKNOWN photographer, ca.1899-1900.

- High Class Dandys on a Nature Hike. Near SEOUL Photo by UNKNOWN photographer, ca.1899-1900.

- The Royal Tombs Photo by UNKNOWN photographer, ca.1899-1900.



- Korean Girls Testing a New "Short Drop" Parachute Design

- Smokin', Gamblin', and Gossiping

- High Class Family

- The Short-Cut Home, or, a Korean SPIDERMAN Does His Thing. SEOUL

- Kids on the City Wall, SEOUL

- A Crowed Scene on a Side Street, PYONGYANG

- A Rustic Road Near SEOUL

- The Bean Grinder, SEOUL

- A "Greasy Spoon" Restaurant in SEOUL

- The Chicken Seller, SEOUL

- Charcoal Carriers, SEOUL

- Junks Along the Han River at YUNG SAN, a Logging Town Near SEOUL

- Two Kinds of Loads on the Streets of SEOUL

- Public School With a Holding Cell Under the Floor Reserved For Wild Kids, SEOUL -
Wonder what the little girl behind bars did to get thrown in the klink?
Obviously, the pipe-smoking old teacher-sage doesn't take any crap from his young pupils.

- Tiger Hunters in the Hills Outside of SEOUL

- Human "Dirt Pounders" Harden the Foundation for a New Post Office. SEOUL, 1903

- Officials of the Imperial Department of Communications. SEOUL, 1903

- Four Peace-Loving Korean Gentlemen at the Temple of the God of War. SEOUL

- Heathen, Idol-Worshipping, Blinded-by-the-Devil, Superstitious Koreans
(According to the Christian Missionaries, that is). Near SEOUL

- Two Happy Guys Winnowing Barly in the Streets of CHEMULPO
Photo by UNKNOWN Photographer


- High Class Women and their Coach Bearers Photo by UNKNOWN Photographer, ca.1899-1900.

- The Hay Carrier. Photo by UNKNOWN Photographer, ca.1899-1900.

- Education Awakens the 'Hermit Kingdom" - A School for Boys in SEOUL, 1903

- A Happy Couple Visiting Relatives in SEOUL, 1903

- Korean MINISTER OF WAR, His Son, and Grand Children. SEOUL, 190

- General Prince "MIN YUN HUAN",
Commander in Chief of the Korean Army. SEOUL, 190

- A Wedding Party (1), SEOUL

- The Wedding party (2), SEOUL Photo by UNKNOWN photographer, ca.1899-1900.

- Pottery Packing Mountain Men, Near SEOUL



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