Basil will wilt faster if left in the fridge, and it will also absorb all the smells of the food around it. It's better to keep it out, sitting in a cup of fresh water, like cut flowers. If you want to store basil for a long time,
blanching it and then freezing it.

감자를 냉장 보관하면 감자의 녹말성분이 당분으로 변한다.
감자는 검은 봉지에 싸서 서늘한 곳에 보관하는게 좋다. 비닐봉지보다는 공기가 통하는 종이봉투가 좋다.
그리고 고구마도 같다.
Keeping a potato in the cold temperature of your refrigerator will turn its starch into sugar more quickly, so that you'll be left with a sweet, gritty potato. Instead of putting potatoes in the fridge, store them in a paper bag in a cool -- not cold -- place. Assuming you don't have a root cellar -- the ideal place for potatoes -- store them in a dark place, like inside your pantry. Paper bags work better than plastic because they're more breathable and the potato won't rot as fast.
Martha Stewart suggests you store potatoes at a temperature as close to 45 degrees as possible. All this goes for sweet potatoes too!

양파는 건조하고 서늘한 곳에 보관해야한다. 냉장고에 보관하면 수분을 빼앗아 금세 물러지고 곰팡이가 생긴다.
단, 양파와 감자는 분리해서 보관해야한다. 함께 보관하면 둘 다 썩게 될것이다.
If you put on ions in the fridge, the moisture will eventually turn them soft and moldy. Keep them in a cool, dry place. (You can store scallions and chives in the refrigerator, however, because of their higher water content.) Just keep your on ions separate from your potatoes; when stored together, both
deteriorate faster.
아보카도 /Avocados

완전히 성숙한 아보카도는 냉장고에 넣어도 되지만, 덜 익은 아보카도는 상온에 두고 숙성시켜야 풍미가 좋다.
If you want avocados to ripen, definitely don't put them in the refrigerator. However, if you've bought an already-ripe avocado that you don't want to use right away, that can go in the fridge.
마늘 /Garlic

마늘을 냉장 보관하면 파란싹이 나거나 곰팡이가 핀것을 본적이 있을 것이다.
반드시 서늘하고 건조한 곳에 보관해야 한다.
Eventually, garlic will start to sprout in the fridge, and it may also get rubbery and moldy. You should instead keep garlic in a cool, dry place.
빵 /Bread

빵을 냉장고에 보관하면 수분이 증발하여 말라버린다. 하루이틀 정도는 쾐찮지만 오래 먹을 빵들은 잘 싸서 냉동보관하다가 필요할 때 해동시켜 먹으면 좋다.
You refrigerator will
dry out your bread quickly. Unless it's sliced sandwich bread that you intend to use within a few days, keep bread out on the counter or in the freezer. You should keep bread that you will eat within four days out, to be sliced when you're ready to eat it, and you should freeze the rest to thaw and eat later. Bread in the freezer should be wrapped so it retains its moisture, and when you remove it from the freezer, you should let it thaw slowly and completely before eating or toasting.
올리브오일 /Olive Oil

올리브유는 서늘하고 어두운 곳에 보관해야한다, 만약 냉장고에 보관하면 기름이 응결되어 버터처럼 딱딱하게 변한다.
You should store olive oil in a cool, dark place, but not in the fridge, where it will condense and turn to a harder, almost butter-like consistency.
커피 /Coffee

커피를 냉장고에 보관하면 특유의 커피향을 잃어버리고 냉장고속 냄새를 빨아드려 망치게 된다.
그래서 오래고 못쓰는 원두를 냉장고의 탈취제로 쓸수 있다. 커피의 맛과 신선함을 유지하려면 서늘하고 어두운 곳에 보관하라. 대용량이면 지퍼 백에 넣어 냉동실에 보관하라.
If you leave coffee in the refrigerator, it will lose its flavor and actually take on some of the odors in the fridge. You should store coffee in a cool, dark place, where it will retain its flavor and freshness. You can store larger quantities of coffee in the freezer, however.
벌꿀 /Honey

꿀은 재대로 봉하면 영원히 상온에서 보관할수 있다.
꿀을 냉장고에 보관하면 결정화 현상이 일어나 굳어버린다.
There's no need to store honey in the fridge -- it will stay good basically forever if you simply keep it tightly sealed. Keeping honey in the refrigerator can cause it to crystalize.